5 Ways to Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks

Dog scared of fireworks

There really is nothing worse than not knowing what to do when your dog is terrified and you’re certainly not alone when it comes to bonfire night. Recent findings by the RSPCA show that 45% of dogs in the UK show signs of being afraid when they hear fireworks.

Fortunately, there are lots of things you can do to help your pooch through the coming weeks so we’ve put a list together for you.

1 – Reduce the noise

It may be impossible to completely drown out the big bangs from the fireworks, but you can certainly try and reduce or muffle those noises in a couple of ways. Close your curtains, windows and doors and turn up your music or tv so that they have a familiar sound to focus on.

2 – Don’t leave them alone

If possible, try and make sure that you’ll be home with your dog at times when fireworks are more likely to be going off. You provide more comfort and safety than anything else in the world for your pet so just being there will help to reduce their stress levels a great deal.

3 – No night-time walks

Walking your dog during the daytime means you are less likely to encounter fireworks during your stroll. If this isn’t possible – don’t worry, a couple of missed walks isn’t going to affect them but being forced to face the brunt of the firework displays during a night-time walk certainly will.

4 – Calming treats and sprays

Natural calming sprays such as Proflax Calm & Collected can be used before or during stressful times, such as bonfire night, to alleviate anxiety. Or if your dog is very food focused, there are a number of Valerian Root based treats that promote calmness including Pooch & Mutt Meaty Hemp Treats and Forthglade Baked Calming Treats

5 – Keep them occupied

There’s no better way to keep your dog distracted and keep them happy than with a fun new toy! Whether your pooch loves soft toys, unstuffed toys, ropes or tennis balls, have their favourite ready and waiting for when the fireworks begin to set off.

Long-lasting chews are another great way to keep your dog occupied because it focuses their mind on something else and chewing also releases happy hormones.

Your dog’s wellbeing and happiness is our main priority here at The Natural Pet Store so we’ve made sure to stock up on all nights calming and fun to help you and your pooch through the next couple of weeks.