5 Ways to Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks

Dog scared of fireworks

There really is nothing worse than not knowing what to do when your dog is terrified and you’re certainly not alone when it comes to bonfire night. Recent findings by the RSPCA show that 45% of dogs in the UK show signs of being afraid when they hear fireworks. Fortunately, there are lots of things…

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Benefits of Pumpkin for Dogs

dog with pumpkins

Pumpkins – the symbol of all that we love about Halloween. Days out at the patch pumpkin picking, carving funny/scary faces into them with the kids and decorating our homes to look wonderfully autumnal. That’s not all they’re good for though, they’re also great for your dog’s health! 😁 It helps keep your dog regular…

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Cold Pressed Dog Food – The Healthier Alternative

Dog with bowl of food

What is cold pressed dog food? Cold pressed dog food is produced at lower temperatures than the most common method of making kibble, which is called extrusion and involves steam and much higher heat levels. Ingredients are mixed with cold water and then pressed to create the kibble shape. What are the benefits of cold…

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Why You Should Say No To Rawhide

Say no to rawhide

While rawhide chews have been popular for many years, more information has come to light in recent years that should make you rethink what you’re feeding to your cats and dogs. A number of risks have been proven that not only make rawhide chews bad, but also dangerous in some circumstances! These risks include: choking…

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5 Ways to Help Reduce your Dogs Separation Anxiety

Dog laying on rug looking sad waiting for owner to come home

There’s nothing better than coming home after a long day at work to your adoring dog who has been waiting for you to return since the moment you left. Unfortunately for many, however, this return isn’t as pleasant as it should be. If you’re greeted by an overexcited pup that drags you into the living…

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Top 4 Reasons Customers Shop with The Natural Pet Store

TNPS top 4 reasons blog

The online pet product market is busier than ever and consumers are spoilt for choice, so what sets up apart? We thought it’d be great to let our customers answer that question for us so we went back over our 170+ Trustpilot reviews and pulled together 4 common reasons people choose to shop with The…

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Top Tips For Keeping Your Dog Cool This Summer

Dog wearing sunglasses

Summer is here! Well, sort of. And the temptation is to head to the beach or the park and spend the day sunbathing and playing with your dog. However, it’s important to remember that dogs feel the heat even more than we do, as they have fewer sweat glands and can only rely on panting…

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Why Cats go Crazy for Catnip Toys

cat playing with toy

Anyone who has ever owned a cat knows that catnip does crazy things to our feline friends, even its Latin name, ‘Nepeta Catatia’, roughly translates to “of a cat”, but what is it and why does it make cats, kittens, lions, and tigers go wild? What is catnip? Catnip is a plant that is a…

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Is Sweet Potato Good for Dogs?

sweet potato

We all know that sweet potatoes are a valuable superfood. The great news is that if you’re looking to get more vitamins into your dog’s diet and want to supplement their mealtimes, there are some extraordinary benefits available from this humble spud! There are, however, a few things to watch out for – and it’s…

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The Importance of toys in your dogs and puppies lives.

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As a dog owner, you’re probably only too well aware of how excitable your dog becomes at the mention of their favourite dog toy. Or, indeed, how much faster their tail can wag when you bring home a new toy for them to play with. And it can fill us with just as much joy…

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Make Sure Your Dog’s Poo isn’t a Pollutant

We all want to be responsible dog owners. The Natural Pet Store offer a range of Dog poo bags which are Eco-friendly making us all help save the planet.

“Adios to polluting poo bags!” At least that’s the cry every dog walker will be able to use when they invest in a new range of plastic-free eco-friendly dog poo bags. Our Adios dog poo bags at the Natural Pet Store are 100% plant-based and fully-compostable. That means no waste is left behind. Most dog…

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